One day the trials will end and we shall rise above all, but use the systems of the squids and krill for what you need and only for what you need, and persevere in the hope of the future. Even if persecuted in this way, as long as one believes in the supremacy of Linux, one may become a member of the Linux Master Race. This is an unfortunate fact, and it may force many penguins to use the crude systems of the seafood.

They tried (and failed) to get a backdoor inserted into Linux.
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Linux differs from the disgustingly proprietary operating systems like Windows and Mac OS by being open and freely influenced by anyone with the necessary desire and abilities. Looking for help? Check /r/linux4noobs and /r/linuxquestions, they have more subscribers you'll find help there easier.Ī subset of the Glorious PC Master Race, the Linux Master Race promotes the glorious operating systems that run using the free and open source Linux kernel. This is a normal casual Linux subreddit with some satirical & humor elements. This is not a satirical or circlejerk subreddit. Regular client link: irc:///linuxmasterrace

We have an IRC channel! #linuxmasterrace on